The history of Jack Powles, Jack Powles & Co Limited,
Jack Powles International Marine Limited and Powles Craft
This, I believe, is the first attempt to put together a comprehensive history of the iconic boatyard and boating brand of Powles. This history is very much “work in progress” and if anyone has any additional facts or stories to add, corrections to make, or photographs to include, I would very much welcome that feedback. This history will be updated accordingly.
I would like to extend a special thanks to John Williams, the grandson of Jack Powles and a key figure in this history, as well as the late “Young Jack” Powles, and Anthony Trafford who have provided information, validation or newspaper clippings over the years.
Nearly all the third party photographs used here are at least 40 years old, and found through my research online, or elsewhere. In the vast majority of cases, ownership is unknown, and they are reproduced here for information and education only, not for commercial gain. Should anyone wish to claim ownership of any photos, please let me know, so I can credit them on the photo accordingly.
Roger Wilson